Find all the resources you need on our volunteer portal.
I am a VolunteerIf you want to deepen relationships, expand your community, and devote time and expertise to things you care about, you’ll find great opportunities to do so as a Vassar volunteer. It is an incredible way to enrich your life and the lives of others in countless ways.
Volunteer Interest FormOur best practices notice will give you a sense of the values uplifted by our creative and hardworking volunteers.
Read our best practices notice.The Vassar College Alumni Admission Program (VCAAP) connects alum volunteers with various opportunities that support the work of Vassar’s Office of Admission. VCAAP volunteers help to increase the visibility of Vassar in their local communities and provide valuable points of contact for prospective students.
Become part of the team that works in partnership with the Annual Giving team throughout the year to promote class engagement and financial support for the College. Fund chairs and class agents work with each other to inspire gifts to the Vassar Fund, providing crucial support for financial aid, student life, sustainability, and much more.
Strengthen alum communities that center shared experiences, activities, and identities, such as athletic teams, singing groups, LGBTQ+, ALANA organizations, veterans, and First Gen alums (among others).
Class Leaders plan reunions and mini-reunions, administer social media groups, and help the College stay in touch with and informed about members of their class communities. Roles vary, but include event planning, outreach (general and fundraising), writing class notes for the alum magazine, and more.
With more than 25 groups in the US and across the globe, Vassar Clubs provide opportunities for alums—along with current students and their families—to build relationships across generations, nurture intellectual curiosity, support each other and the College community, and have fun while doing it! Thanks to Vassar Club volunteers, alums can get together, wherever they live, and continue to build lasting connections beyond the College’s gates.
Vassar Clubs, individual classes, and affinity groups all plan programs that feature alums and parent experts. These programs can be purely educational and/or take the form of discussion-based workshops that build skills and deepen relationships. If you are interested in volunteering to lead a discussion or skills-based workshop for Vassar community members, please contact alumengagement@vassar.edu.
VassarNet is the College’s private LinkedIn group dedicated to building professional networks between and among alums and current students of Vassar. Members of the Vassar community—at any stage of their professional life—can ask questions, share expertise, post and apply to job opportunities for Vassar candidates, and form professional connections with one another.