
Drama Department

Social Media

Reservations/Box Office

Six people standing in a half-circle on a dark stage with lights overhead.
Left to right: Destiny King '27, Sophia Fredericks '26, Jove Leonard '27, Benjamin Sayres '28, Miriam Barker '27, Lilly Masters '26

Reservations for Drama Department productions open two weeks prior to any opening date. Please note not all productions and events are open to the public, but mostly to the Vassar campus community. Check the productions listing for specific information.

Box Office


Box Office Student Assistants

  • Miriam Barker ’27
  • Benjamin Sayres ’28
  • Natalia Velez-Rios ’25

Drama Department Photographer

  • Gabriel Jove Leonard ’27

Vassar Ticket Fund Student Coordinator

  • Lilly Masters ’26 (Fall)
  • Destiny King ’27 (Spring)