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Most-watched documentary on German TV written by Professor of History, Maria Höhn

Maria Hoehn
Maria Höhn

The documentary “Ein Hauch von Amerika” (A Whisper of America), based on Professor of History Maria Höhn’s first book, “GIs and Fräuleins: The German-American Encounter in 1950s West Germany”, brought her research to a large European audience.  Filmed in part on Vassar’s campus and featuring Höhn herself as a narrator, Sigrid Faltin’s 2021 production was the most-watched documentary on German Public TV (ARD) last year and will be honored in Berlin with the RIAS TV-Award in June 2022.  

Höhn is also looking forward to the publication of Forced Migration and Higher Education: Now What? with Palgrave MacMillan this summer. This collection of essays compiled with Professor Brittany Murray (UT Knoxville, formerly at Vassar) and Matthew Brill-Carlat ’19 features innovative pedagogical and community-engaged projects that engage students with challenges posed by forced migration and displacement. Vassar faculty Joe Nevins, Jodi Schwarz, Maria Hantzopoulos, Alberto Gelmi, as well as Höhn contributed essays, as did Vassar students Aena Khan, Faith Northern, Sofia Rao, and Adam Weil. Höhn is delighted that Vassar alums Kelly Berkson (Indiana University), Peter Decherney (University of Pennsylvania), Alexa Elias (King’s College London), Ava McElhone Yates ’21 (Consortium on Forced Migration), and Matthew Brill-Carlat ’19 (Kids in Need of Defense) also contributed.  To round off Höhn’s final project at Vassar, award-winning photographer Amy Kaslow ’81 contributed a photograph for the book’s cover. 

June 30, 2022