The Department of Education at Vassar College reflects the philosophy that a broad liberal arts education is the cornerstone of successful teaching. We emphasize the importance of critical reflection in developing an emerging philosophy of education and teaching. The department offers teacher preparation programs as well as the major or correlate in educational studies.

The study of education at Vassar challenges students to think deeply and critically about the ways in which schools socialize as well as educate citizens. It provides ongoing opportunities for conceptual integration across disciplines and domains of theory, policy, and practice. This interdisciplinary approach encourages students to consider the impact of political, historical, cultural, economic, and social forces on education.
The Department of Education offers a major or a correlate sequence (a minor) in educational studies. Students who major in educational studies develop a sound foundation in learning theory, the social foundations of education, and global perspectives on education. Students who are planning to become teachers major instead in another academic discipline (such as history or mathematics or psychology) and earn initial New York State certification at the childhood or adolescent level under the supervision of the Education Department. Students who are planning to teach may also choose to complete the Educational Studies Correlate Sequence.