COVID-19 Updates

February 3, 2022

Dear all,

I am writing with updates to the COVID-19 guidelines on campus. Given the reduction in cases and limited spread on campus, along with the decline in cases in the County, the following are some updates:

  • Food at events/meetings: Food and drink may be consumed at seated events/meetings. People must wear masks unless they are sitting down and actively eating or drinking. Food and drink should not be served at events or receptions when people are standing and walking around.
  • Campus guests and visitors: Campus guests and visitors are required to be vaccinated (vaccination or booster within the last six months) or have a negative COVID-19 test 24 hours before being on campus. It is the host’s responsibility to inform campus guests and visitors of these requirements.
  • Student Party Registration: The student party registration process will begin February 11. Masks are required at indoor parties unless seated and actively eating or drinking. Please see the Residential Life Office for guidelines.
  • Masking: Masks are still required in classrooms, centers, and group performances; however, a speaker or performer who is at least six feet away from the audience and others may remove the mask while speaking or performing. In residence halls, masks may be removed if one is sitting down and eating or drinking, or as always if one is alone (or with only roommates or apartment mates) in a private space. Otherwise masks must be worn in residence halls. Additionally, you may remove your mask if you are engaging in strenuous activity. In offices, masks must be worn unless sitting down eating or drinking, or alone in the office. We recommend a KN95, N95, or KF94 mask, or double masking with a surgical mask inside.
  • Gordon Commons: This will remain in-person at reduced density and grab-and-go will remain available at the Retreat, Express, and food truck with extended hours through February 11, and with regular hours resuming on February 12.

Thanks again for your continued vigilance in keeping the campus healthy, safe, and open. If you need a KN95 mask, please use the TWA system to order or, for students, pick up a 5-pack at the ROC 8:30 a.m.–11 p.m. Monday-Friday. Testing continues to be available for all at the Aula Wednesdays and Fridays 1–4:30 p.m. and, if symptomatic, contact Health Service for testing and directions.

Elizabeth H. Bradley, President
Vassar College
Poughkeepsie, NY 12604