Yu Zhou

BS, MS, Geography and Urban and Regional Planning, Peking University, P.R. China.
PhD, Geography, University of Minnesota, 1995
Yu Zhou received Bachelor and Master’s degree from Department of Regional and Environmental Sciences (formerly Geography) in Peking University, China, and received PhD in geography from University of Minnesota in 1995. Her current research is on globalization and high-tech industry in China. More recently she has done researched into China’s green building program and urban sustainability. In the United States, her works are more in the areas of ethnic business, gender and ethnic communities, and transnational business networks. In 2008, she was selected as one of the twenty Public Intellectual Fellows by the National Committee on US-China Relations. She has been interviewed by New York Times, and Washington Post, Voice of America among others.
Departments and Programs
GEOG 102 Global Geography: People, Places, and Regions
GEOG 276 Economic Geography: Spaces of Global Capitalism
INTL 276 Economic Geography: Spaces of Global Capitalism
Selected Publications
- The inside story of China’s high-tech industry: making “Silicon Valley” in Beijing. Rowman and Littlefield Publisher. 2008
- China as an Innovation Nation, 2016 Edited by Yu Zhou, William Lazonick, and Yifei Sun, Oxford University Press
Selected Refereed Journals
- Zhou Yu, 2021 Qujing (取经) as policy mobility with Chinese characteristics: A case study of ultralow-energy building policy in China, Environment and Planning A: Space and Economy Volume: 53 issue: 2, page(s): 410-427
- Zhou Yu, George Lin and Jun Zhang, 2019. Urban China through the lens of neoliberalism-is conceptual twist enough? critical commentary in Urban Studies, Vol 56-1.
- Zhou, Yu. “Mixed Market and crisis mitigation: lessons from the performance of China’s ICT hardware industry before and after the 2008 crisis.” Eurasian Geography and Economics 56:2: 193-219. 2015.
- Zhou, Yu. “State Power and environmental initiatives in China: analyzing China’s green building program through an ecological modernization perspective.” Geoforum 61: 1-12. 2015.
- Zhou, Yu, Yifan Cai, “打造中国绿色建筑推广的合力(Creating “crowd-sourcing” for China’s Green Building promotion program)现代城市研究” (Modern Urban Research). Vol. 6: 89-96 (in Chinese). 2014.
- Wu,W., and Y. Zhou, “The Third Mission Stalled? Universities in China’s Technological Progress.” Journal of Technology Transfer 37(6): 812-827. 2012.
Book Chapters
- Zhou, Yu, 2017. Paths of Green Building Technology in China, chapter 8 in Energy Efficiency and the Future of Real Estate. Co-edited by Ed Coulson, Yongsheng Wang and Clifford Lipscomb. Spring Nature, Palgrave Macmillan, 161-186.
- Zhou, Yu, 2013. “Time and Spaces of China’s ICT industry.” Chapter 5 in The Economic Geography of the IT industry in the Asia Pacific Region. Edited by Philip Cooke, Glen Searle and Kevin O’Connor. Routledge. pp. 69-86. 2013.
- Zhou, Yu, “The migration of Chinese professionals: and the development of the Chinese ICT industry.” Diasporas in the New Media Age: Identity, Politics and Community., edited by Andoni Alonso and Pedro J. Oiarzabal, University of Nevada Press.
- Zhou Y. (2009). “High-Tech Industry.” In Kitchin R, Thrift N (eds) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Volume 1, pp. 122-127.Oxford: Elsevier. 2009.
Blog Entries
- Yu Zhou, “China as an innovation nation, invited and recorded interview with Chinafile.” 2016.
- Yu Zhou, “China as an innovation nation, book interview with Voice of America.” Jan 13 2016.
- Yu Zhou, “Will China take the lead on climate change, a ChinaFile conversation.” 2016.
- Yu Zhou, “Comments on merge of Monsanto and Bayer, Genetic Modified Crop.” Interview with Voice of America, 2016.
- Yu Zhou, “The transition of China into an innovation nation”, OUP blog: Oxford University Press’s academic insights for the thinking world. 2016.
- Yu Zhou “Snowden and China’s High-tech trade.” National Interest, July 11 2013.
- Yu Zhou, “Bring Fair Trade to Electronics.” Huffington Post, Jan. 29 2012 (front page op-ed). 2012.
In the Media
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