Students: Submit your short play to the Steerman Festival!

The Steerman Festival will be featuring a selection of student-written short plays. We are seeking short plays written by students of ten minutes or less to be presented Sunday April 3rd, 2022 as part of the festival. Please submit to the Vassar Drama Dept for a chance to be featured.

Deadline to submit online is February 14, 2022 by 12:00 p.m.

A Note from the  Festival Director

Welcome to the 2nd Annual Steerman Festival! Though this is our second year, it feels very much like our first since it is the first time our department has fully produced 4 brand-new, full-length plays by our senior playwrights. These playwrights have worked tirelessly in the last two school years to develop their plays as well as their larger body of work. I am grateful to the Vassar Drama Department and to our community at large for helping make Vassar a hotbed for new work by innovative young writers. This is a massive undertaking and it simply could not be done without the all-hands-on-deck work ethic of this department. 

We are also excited to share our Marilyn Swartz Seven ‘69 Annual Playwriting Competition winner’s reading with you in the first weekend of the festival and to share with you eight new up and coming voices in our department with a presentation of short plays and scenes on our Festival’s final day. So please come and see as much of the work as you can. I’m sure you’ll be as taken with these fresh voices as I am. 

February 4, 2022