Constructing a Politics of Life: Indigenous Women’s Organizing and Challenges throughout the Americas
Taylor Hall, Room 102
Pamela Calla is a Bolivian anthropologist engaged with issues of gender, race, class, and state formation in Latin America. She is currently a Clinical Associate Professor at the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at New York University. She also co-founded the Observatory on Racism in Bolivia (2007-2017) and the Red de Accion e Investigacion Anti-Racista en las Americas (2010-Present), an initiative launched by the Universidad de la Cordillera and the Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies, University of Texas. She is coeditor of Antropología del Estado: Dominación y prácticas contestatarias en America Latina (2007). She was an Associate Researcher of the “The State of the State in Bolivia,” a project of the Informe sobre Desarrollo Humano, 2007, United Nations Development Project and coeditor and author of Observando el Racismo: Racismo y Regionalismo en el Proceso Constituyente Boliviano, Agenda Defensorial No. 11 and 13, Defensor del Pueblo and Universidad de la Cordillera.