
Yarran Hominh: The Problem of Unfreedom

Oct. 26, 2022, 5:00 p.m.

New England 105

People talk a lot about freedom. But unfreedom is what faces us. What if we focus on unfreedom rather than on freedom? Unfreedom impoverishes human agency, making it more difficult to change the conditions that cause unfreedom. This is the problem of unfreedom: People are unfree because of the social structures in which they live. Becoming freer requires changing those structures. But changing the structures requires exercising freedom. So people must already be free in order to become free. In this talk, Yarran Hominh, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Bard College, will describe this problem and how it might be addressed.

headshot of Bard philosophy professor Yarran Hominh standing outside with shrubbery in the background.
Yarran Hominh, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Bard College