
Vassar’s Engaging Sciences Book Club

Sep. 19, 2022, 6:30 p.m.

Rockefeller Hall 200

In advance of Diving into Math with Emmy Noether, a theatre performance by portraittheater Vienna at Vassar on September 20, please join Vassar’s Engaging Sciences Book Club for a conversation with author David Rose, director Sandra Schüddekopf, and actress Anita Zieher.

Proving It Her Way: Emmy Noether, A Life in Mathematics by David E. Rowe and Mechthild Koreuber

This book serves as a companion to Diving into Math with Emmy Noether by reproducing information and photos from the brochure for the original play. It includes relevant facts about Noether’s life together with brief sketches of the four mathematicians who appear with her on screen, as well as a “Who’s Who” identifying others whose names are mentioned onstage. Readers are thereby afforded easy access to essential facts needed to appreciate the events alluded to in the script. In addition, the book also contains a brief overview of Noether’s life as well as separate chapters providing detailed accounts of important phases in her unique career.

The Springer e-book can be accessed free of charge through the Vassar Library

The Engaging Sciences Book Club is sponsored by the Asprey Center for Collaborative Approaches to Science (ACCAS).