Fubing Su

Professor of Political Science and Director of Asian Studies

Mr. Su received his PhD in political science from the University of Chicago. Before joining Vassar College, he taught at Brown University for two years. He is also a member of the Asian Studies program.

Mr. Su’s teaching interests include comparative politics, political economy, East Asian security, and Chinese politics. His research concerns contemporary Chinese political and economic developments, including electoral politics, village governance, local public finance, urbanization, land management, transition, and China’s growth model.

BA, MA, Nankai University (南开大学); MA, PhD, University of Chicago
At Vassar since 2004


Rockefeller Hall
Box 525


ASIA 254 Chinese Politics and Economy
POLI 250 Politics as Games
POLI 254 Chinese Politics and Economy

Selected Publications

  • Fubing Su and Ran Tao. Meritocracy or Patronage? Political Foundations of China’s Economic Transition (Cambridge Element 2024).
  • Zhang, Cong, Ran Tao, Zihang Yue, and Fubing Su. “Regional competition, rural pollution haven and environmental injustice in China.” Ecological Economics 204 (2023): 107669.
  • Li, Ming, Ran Tao, and Fubing Su. “Bringing politics back in charitable giving: Evidence from donations after China’s Sichuan earthquake." Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 49, no. 2 (2020): 272-291.
  • Su, Fubing, Xi Lu, Xi Zhao, and Ran Tao. “Land taking and electoral rule setting: evidence from Chinese rural democracy.” Political Studies 67, no. 3 (2019): 752-774.
  • Su, Fubing, Ming Li, and Ran Tao. “Transfer-based decentralization and poverty alleviation: Evidence from a quasi-experiment in China.” Publius: The Journal of Federalism 49, no. 4 (2019): 694-718.
  • Additional publications at Google Scholar



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