Facilities Operations helps the College meet its programmatic and pedagogical plans by working to build and renovate our spaces to meet our current and future needs. The Capital Project Process is how we collaborate, plan, and execute this work.


A capital project can range in size and scope from a minor interior renovation to a new building or addition. Capital projects differ from maintenance work, such as replacing carpeting, painting walls, etc., in that capital projects often involve reconfiguration of spaces, or new buildings which involve large investments of capital, or funds.

Project vs Maintenance

Contact Facilities Operations Work Control at Facilities Operations—Vassar College to help define if the proposed work is a new project or maintenance. Here is some guidance on maintenance vs projects:

Maintenance is generally defined as:

  • repairs to an existing system, component, or piece of equipment; 
  • patching and painting;
  • addressing “wear and tear” in a building.

Projects are generally defined as:

  • building improvements—new systems or components;
  • reconfiguration of a space;
  • adding or eliminating doors or windows;
  • large-scale maintenance projects that may require outside resources.

Vassar allocates funds for capital projects annually. However, the requests typically exceed the amount of money available. Therefore, projects are prioritized based on a variety of factors such as need, funding availability, safety issues, impact to other spaces, and available resources to manage the work.

Project Funding

All projects must have a funding source and requestors should consult with the Budget and Planning office to determine the best options for funding the project.

Project timelines

The timeline for planning a project varies widely depending on many factors—such as the scope of the work requested, the use of the space, permitting timelines, and more. Facilities Operations can assist in developing a broad timeline for your specific project.

Large Project (More than $1M)

  • Starting a project takes 6–12 months
  • Study and Schematic Design takes 6–12 months
  • Design and Construction takes 12–14 months
  • Completion, Closeout, and Turnover takes 3–6 months

Medium Project (Between $100K and $1M)

  • Starting a project takes 3–6 months
  • Study and Schematic Design takes 3–6 months
  • Design and Construction takes 6–12 months
  • Completion, Closeout, and Turnover takes 2–4 months

Small Project (Less than $100K)

  • Starting a project takes 1–3 months
  • Study and Schematic Design takes 1–3 months
  • Design and Construction takes 3–6 months
  • Completion, Closeout, and Turnover takes 1–3 months