
Where Pride Is Concerned, Vassar Holds Its Own

Photos by Karl Rabe

Ellis Peterson ’22 was wearing an inflatable lizard costume, and they didn’t look at all out of place taking part in the festivities at the LGBTQ+ Center’s Pride Month Kickoff on April 9. A soaking spring rain forced the event to be held in the College Center rather than on the Quad as planned, but the weather failed to dampen the enthusiasm of the more than 200 students, faculty, and staff who attended.

Ellis Peterson ’22 (left) and two fellow lizards of the Butterbeer Brooers frolic during Vassar’s Pride Kickoff.
Ellis Peterson ’22 (left) and two fellow lizards of the Butterbeer Brooers frolic during Vassar’s Pride Kickoff.

Peterson was there with several other members of the Butterbeer Brooers, Vassar’s Quidditch team, in hopes of recruiting some Muggles to the squad and to join in the frivolity of the event. “Quidditch is one of the more inclusive sports on campus, so I’m glad to be here,” they said.

While National Pride Month is officially observed in June, LGBTQ+ Center Director Danushi Fernando and her staff organized a series of events enabling Vassar students to celebrate a little early. Nearly 20 college departments and a dozen student organizations took part in the festivities. “Our students all go home before Pride Month begins, so we decided we should create some events here on campus so we could celebrate as a community,” Fernando said. “All of the departments and organizations that are here today play a role in supporting us. It was our first such event, and the weather didn’t cooperate, but I’m amazed by how many people have turned out.”

The object of the game was to toss a ring onto the unicorn’s horn.
The object of the game was to toss a ring onto the unicorn’s horn.

Priya Muldowney ’24, a member of the Maroon Society, a recently formed student organization for queer students of color, said the event served as a perfect venue for recruitment. “Being part of this event is a wonderful way for us to let the Vassar community know who we are,” Muldowney said.

Representatives from a dozen student organizations took part in the festivities.
Representatives from a dozen student organizations took part in the festivities.

Upcoming (Pre-)Pride Month events on campus will include:

  • “Seeing and Being Seen,” an exhibit at the Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center that will continue through June 6;
  • Pride Prom at Walker Field House on April 24, and
  • Lavender Graduation ceremonies, honoring LGBTQ+ students in the Class of 2022, on May 12.

For more information on upcoming Vassar Pride events, visit Facebook: lgbtqvassar.

April 18, 2022