Committee on Inclusion & Equity

The Committee on Inclusion and Equity (CIE) is a presidential advisory committee. The committee works with the President each year to identify college practices and issues that would benefit from a clearer articulation of the institution’s stance pertaining to diversity, inclusion, and equity. The committee researches high-priority campus concerns. It develops pertinent guidelines that are reviewed by the President and the shared governance structures of the College, before being proposed for adoption as official statements or policy.

The Committee on Inclusion and Equity includes students, administrators, and faculty, some of whom are appointed by the President, and some of whom are elected. The appointed members include two faculty co-chairs and administrators from various campus offices. The elected members include two student representatives, one untenured faculty member, and two faculty members of any rank. The term of service for student representatives is one year and the term of service for elected faculty is two years.