Michael H. McCarthy, PhD

Michael H McCarthy, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, has been a teacher and scholar at Vassar College for fifty-four years. A graduate of Notre Dame and Yale, he has authored or co-authored seven books, including The Crisis of Philosophy, The Political Humanism of Hannah Arendt, Authenticity as Self-Transcendence: The Enduring Insights of Bernard Lonergan, and Toward a catholic Christianity: A Study in Critical Belonging.
Professor McCarthy, a former fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center and a board member of the Lonergan Institute at Boston College, has lectured widely throughout the United States and abroad on cognitional, ethical, and political topics and themes. He is presently completing work on a new book, entitled Liberal Education and Democratic Citizenship, focused on the existing crisis in American democracy. When the muse visits, he also writes poems for family and friends, seeking to turn truth into poetry.
As both learner and teacher, he has loved being an active member of Vassar's thriving philosophical community.
- Email: mccarthy@vassar.edu