Beyond Vassar

Mixed Media


The Enduring Power of Female Friendship

By Sandy [Granville] Sheehy ’67
HarperCollins, 2000

My Generation
Fifty Years of Sex, Drugs, Rock, Revolution, Glamour, Greed, Valor, Faith, and Silicon Chips

By Michael Gross ’74
Cliff Street Books/HarperCollins, 2000

The New Cancer Survivors
Living with Grace, Fighting with Spirit

By Natalie Davis Spingarn ’43
Johns Hopkins, 1999

Parting Company
Understanding the Loss of a Loved One

By Cynthia Pearson and
Margaret L. Stubbs ’69
Seal Press, 1999

Woven Together in York County Maine

A History 1865–1990

By Madge Baker ’62
Wilson’s Printers (Shapleigh, ME), 1999

Pushkin’s Tatiana
By Olga Peters Hasty ’73
University of Wisconsin Press, 1999

Collecting Silver
The Facts at Your Fingertips

By Jill Brinnon Bace ’72
Miller (UK), 1999

Psychodynamic Practice in a Managed Care Environment
A Strategic Guide for Clinicians

By Michael B. Sperling, Amy Sack ’91, and Charles L. Field
Guilford Publications, 1999

The Earth Around Us
Maintaining a Livable Planet

Edited by Jill S. Schneiderman


associate professor of geology
W.H. Freeman and Co., 2000

Into the American Woods
Negotiators on the Pennsylvania Frontier

By James H. Merrell
professor of history
W.W. Norton, 1999

Overhearing Film Dialogue
By Sarah R. Kozloff
associate professor of film
University of California Press, 2000

Getting Familiar with Death
By Jin Y. Park
Mellon postdoctoral fellow in religion
Won Publications, 1999

When the Romance Ended
Leaders of the Chilean Left, 1968-1998

By Katherine Hite
assistant professor of political science
Columbia University Press, 2000

“Pueblos Enfermos”
The Discourse of Illness in the Turn-of-the-Century Spanish and American Essay

By Michael Aronna
assistant professor of Hispanic Studies
University of North Carolina Press, 2000


Shadow Story
By Nancy Willard
lecturer in English
illustrations by David Diaz
Aladdin Classics, 2000

Eugenie Clark
Adventures of a Shark Scientist

By Ellen R. Butts and Joyce Rubin Schwartz ’71
Linnet Books, 2000


Life Is Funny
By E. R. Frank ’90
Dorling Kindersley Publishing, 2000

The Barbarians Are Coming
By David Wong Louie ’77
Putnam Publishers Group, 2000

By India Edghill (Mary Jennara Wenk ’72)
Talitho Press, 1999


Never Nosh a Matzo Ball
By Sharon Kahn ’56
Scribner, 2000

By Beth Saulnier ’90
Warner Books, 2000

Death in a Hot Flash
By Jane [Siegendorf] Isenberg ’62
Avon, 2000


Richard Wilson, professor of music, has music on several recent CDs

Richard Wilson: Symphony No. 1, Gnomics, etc.
Conductor James Sedares with the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra


Koch International Classics, 2000

Once Upon a Time
Music for children featuring narrator Robert Aubry Davis and pianist Haskell Small
Includes Wilson’s “A Child’s London”
Ongaku Records, 2000

Richard Wilson: Chamber Music
Includes “Affirmations,” “Transfigured Goat,” and Blanca Uribe’s (Vassar professor of music) recordings of “Intercalations” and “Civilization and Its Discontents”
Albany Records, 2000

Stresses in the Peaceable Kingdom
The Complete Choral Music of Richard Wilson
Performed by William Appling and the William Appling Singers
Albany Records, 1999

By Alexandra Scott ’95
“Melodic alternative-rock”
Released under her own name, 1999


Guns and Money
By Grass
(Will Solomon ’96, Kat Mills Polys ’93, Nick Polys ’96, and Jesse Selman ’96) Bluegrass, country, and gospel traditions
Transcendent Recordings, 1999


Works by Derek Buckner ’92
On exhibit at the Lizan Tops Gallery in East Hampton
June 17–July 10
This one-person show will feature Buckner’s landscape and figurative paintings. Buckner’s work can also be seen at

Recent Photographs by Dixie Massad Sheridan '65
At the College Center Gallery, Vassar College, June 1-June 28, and the 55 Mercer Street Gallery in New York City, July 18-August 5


“I Can Do That”
Tracy Casper Lang (executive producer, director, editor) and Maude Brickner ’84 (executive producer, producer)

An educational video for school-age girls that aims to expand their notions of possible careers. Writes Brickner:

“The video introduces girls to eight women in a range of careers with an emphasis on jobs involving math, science, and technology. The video enables girls not only to hear about and see the women doing their jobs, but also to hear how these women came to have the careers they do, and what educational and early community and work experiences led them to their careers.”

Careers represented include nuclear physicist, Website designer, information consultant, actuary, AIDS researcher, electrical contractor, construction business owner, and architect.

The video was to be distributed free of charge to more than 3,000 educational facilities across the country, beginning in April. Each copy of the video comes with a resource guide to help educators and parents discuss the video with young viewers. Copies of the video and guide are also available for sale.

contact: info@ICan